The Alarming Cost of Overlooking Print Management: What You Need to Know

Unmonitored printer stacking up costs

Ever wondered if your printing processes are costing you more than they should? You’re not alone. Print management is one of those areas that often flies under the radar, but when left unchecked, it can quietly eat away at your budget. 

Whether it’s wasted paper, unmonitored print jobs, or unchecked security risks, the financial hit can be far more than you think.

Let’s break down why overlooking print management might be costing your business thousands – and what you can do about it.

Unmonitored Print Volumes Lead to Waste

One of the biggest issues with unmanaged printing is the sheer amount of waste. How often do people in your office print documents that aren’t really necessary? It happens far more than you’d imagine. From duplicate jobs to massive, high-resolution images that could’ve been scaled down, these unnecessary printouts drive up costs. Without a proper system in place, UK businesses waste between 17% and 30% of their total print spend on these non-essential print jobs.

Just think of it: pages and pages of paper and toner being used for documents that may never even be read. That’s money straight down the drain. By introducing print management tools, you can track what’s being printed and even set rules to prevent unnecessary jobs. Something as simple as enforcing double-sided printing or restricting colour printing to specific jobs could reduce your print volumes by up to 25%. Imagine how much you could save just by keeping an eye on what’s coming out of your printers!

The Hidden Costs of Consumables

Toner, ink, and paper are the obvious costs when it comes to printing, but how well are you managing them? Many businesses are unaware of just how much they’re spending on consumables. In fact, research by Quocirca found that companies in the UK spend up to 40% more on consumables than necessary due to inefficient management.

It’s not just the price of the cartridges themselves – it’s the way they’re ordered. Without a streamlined process, businesses often overstock on these items, buying more than they need or paying premium prices because they ran out at the last minute and had to pay for emergency delivery.

By using Managed Print Services (MPS), you can automate the ordering process, ensuring that you only get what you need when you need it, often at discounted rates. MPS helps avoid the panic buys and ensures your office isn’t drowning in surplus toner.

Security Risks and Data Breaches

Security is often a top concern for most businesses, but printers? They’re rarely part of the conversation. And that’s a big mistake. Modern printers are more than just machines that spit out paper – they’re connected to your network, store data, and, if not properly secured, can be a major weak point in your company’s defence.

In 2023, 61% of organisations experienced a print-related data breach. Shocking, right? And the cost of these breaches isn’t just the fine (which can be up to £17.5 million or 4% of your global turnover under GDPR). There’s also the reputational damage and the loss of trust with customers. Securing your printers with encryption, user authentication, and regular audits is no longer a “nice-to-have” – it’s a business necessity.

By integrating secure print management systems, you can minimise the risk of unauthorised access to sensitive documents. Plus, features, like pull printing (where documents are only printed when the authorised user is at the printer), can further protect your data from prying eyes.

The Environmental Impact of Poor Print Management

Beyond the financial costs, unmanaged printing is also a significant environmental burden. Paper wastage, high energy consumption from printers, and the disposal of ink cartridges all add up to a bigger carbon footprint. In the UK, businesses are increasingly being pressured to adopt sustainable practices, and unmanaged printing is one area that can make a substantial difference.

By optimising print processes, you’re not only saving money but also doing your part for the environment. Energy-efficient printers, combined with print management software, can cut your energy consumption by up to 30%. And, by reducing paper waste and properly recycling consumables, you can significantly shrink your company’s environmental impact. It’s a win-win: you save on operational costs and show your commitment to sustainability.

Inefficiency in Document Handling and Retrieval

There’s another cost that often goes unnoticed: the time spent dealing with paper documents. According to IDC, employees can waste up to 20% of their workweek searching for paper files. It sounds absurd, but when you think about it – how often do people spend time rifling through drawers or reprinting lost documents?

This inefficiency doesn’t just lead to frustration; it also delays critical decision-making and reduces productivity. By moving towards digital document management systems, you can reduce the reliance on printed documents and improve access to important files. A well-managed digital system, paired with print management, means fewer print jobs, less paper waste, and more streamlined workflows. It’s an investment that not only pays off in saved time but also in increased productivity across the board.

Taking Action: How to Start Managing Your Print Costs

So, where do you go from here? If you’re looking to stop the financial leaks caused by unmanaged printing, here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Implement Print Management Software – Start tracking print jobs and create rules to reduce unnecessary printing. Restrict colour printing, set defaults to double-sided, and monitor volumes.
  2. Use Managed Print Services (MPS) – MPS can take the hassle out of managing your consumables and printer fleet, ensuring you only order what you need, when you need it – and at a better price.
  3. Prioritise Print Security – Make sure your printers are secured with encryption and user authentication to prevent data breaches. Pull printing can be a great way to ensure only authorised users collect sensitive documents.
  4. Go Green – Invest in energy-efficient printers and reduce your paper usage by adopting digital workflows. Not only will this reduce your environmental impact, but it will also cut down on energy and supply costs.
  5. Move Towards Digital Document Management – By digitising more of your documents, you’ll reduce the need for paper, lower your print costs, and boost efficiency.

In short, print management isn’t just about saving on paper and toner – it’s about securing your data, boosting productivity, and showing a commitment to sustainability. Overlooking it could cost you more than you realise. But with a few simple changes, you could turn those costs into savings. Now that’s worth printing out.